Our Business Philosophy
The objective of our business is to provide a high quality product and reliable service for our customers. We hope you will enjoy visiting our web site and using our service’s as much as we enjoyed providing them for you.
Our Employees
Employees play an important role in any business. Here is where we get a chance to tell you a little about ourselves. We may talk about our families. We try to bring our passion for life to you through our business and this web site. We pride ourselves on our knowledge and service. Our business is about being on top of our game so that we can have you back on the road in no time with the least amount of time taken form you day to day life.
Our Company
This is where you can learn about our company and its history. For 30 years we have been involved in the automotive industry and take on this new professional service to you with the passion that many others have lost. We have been interested in starting our own business for many years and are excited to finally have reached that goal. Taking our business to the web makes the process even more exciting, a new way of getting our product to you. Along with TV advertisements we hope that you will see the many benefits that can and will help you.
Payment at completion of all work is required, EFTPOS including major credit cards take. No Accounts are given.
Modern up to date clean and professional service.